Behind the images with Luca Prodigo

Come on a journey with us, as we lift the curtain of the dark room and go behind the images with photographer Luca Prodigo. In this interview we go deep to find out the story behind the portraits. Learning more about the person who photographs them. Luca is a beloved photographer at Verve, who has
The importance of investing in your family’s visual legacy

A photograph speaks a thousand words. We’ve all heard the old and well-known adage: ‘A photograph speaks a thousand words’- but now with trillions of images being taken per year in the digital age, do these words still ring true? Are photographs still as powerful as they once were- Does one, single image have the
How to elevate your portrait session and alleviate those nerves

Through years of developed expertise, practical knowledge and prowess, our photographers certainly know what it takes to create beautiful imagery. Photographs that not only look aesthetically stunning, but that also reflect the true character of the subjects, and the emotion within. Speaking of emotions – it’s very common to feel nerves arise a few days
Investing in your visual legacy

There is nothing more captivating than the visual poetry contained in a photograph. A candid moment captured forever is how we, as human beings, are able to transcend time and space. What makes print has the power to move us beyond words. When a photograph is taken, time stops. When that photograph is printed, time
The family photoshoot: Finding the perfect studio

You’ve decided to get the family together for a photoshoot. Before your children grow much older, it’s time to capture this moment. You know there will be future memories, but before your child blossoms into an adult before your very eyes, you want to remember them just as they are today. But How to
How to match the perfect artwork for your home

They promised they’d call and they did. A few days earlier you’d booked in for a Verve experience, but then what? With no idea what to expect, this call was to be your guiding photographic light. The Verve team began by asking you questions. What colours do you have in your home? What’s the style
Why Polaroid photography survives in the digital age

In an age where we can point and shoot our digital camera or camera phone hundreds of times a day, rifle back through our images and select the best ones to share on social media, it seems surprising that real film even exists anymore. Further, with their white frames and off-colour, blurred images, it seems
Child photography tips: never say cheese!

There is no better feeling than watching your child’s face light up with that innocent, unadulterated joy only children seem capable of exuding. You know, the kind of smile that reminds you it’s all worth it, even when you’ve had 3 hours’ sleep, you’re covered in paint and you’re scrubbing spaghetti sauce out of the